Meloni is packing balls..
I don’t know if Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is a Trojan horse for the Globalists judging the way she is presented in the media as an anti-globalist crusader that vehemently supports family values and national sovereignty. Cos we are aware of how the powers that be are fond of playing/funding both sides according to their strategy of dividing and ruling the masses.
Predictably, since Meloni is positioned against illegal & mass migration, critical of the LGBT lobby, & stands for the traditional family structure, the MSM has wasted no time smearing her calling her fascist.
Of course she is against all the things the globalists/transhumanists are employing to tear down every society. Her speech linked below is an electrifying one that got liberals panicking so they return to their default of denigration and defamation.
Her speech could have been said by any of us watching this train wreck of a western society:
"Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening. Everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. They attack national identity and religious identity, they attack gender identity and family identity. I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother, no. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. That’s why we inspire so much fear—because we do not want to be numbers.
We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. Like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family. Those things that disgust people so much, we will do it to defend our freedom because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. That is our mission.
Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago: "Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer." That time has ARRIVED. We are ready. Thank you."
So much for her being a fascist. Matteo Renzi certainly doesn't agree.
But one thing still makes me doubt her, I remain skeptical and I do not believe in one savior coming to save the day.
Others have put forth valid questions that make me wonder if she just another WEF puppet “penetrator” using reverse psychology to win the hearts and minds of her nation. She might have been installed into power to surreptitiously advance the Great Reset agenda, time will tell.
Looking at her recent political history where she supported the discriminatory health identification.
She is a member of the Aspen Institute,
She appears to say the right things, tick all the boxes for the conspiracy crowd but there are so many what if’s and unanswered questions:
From 2nd smartest guy in the world’s substack,
What if Meloni is anything but a rightwing conservative?
What if she is nothing more than a WEF and UN trojan horse?
In today’s world nothing is certainly as it seems.
Now that so many people all around the world are on to the One World Government and their UN and the WEF assets, it would make perfect sense to groom a new generation of infiltrators that would say all of the right things against their very handlers as they continue to advance the Great Reset.
Be leery.
Good point ☝.
Nevertheless, I can't help it but cheer her on just for the fact that she castigated Macron and pointed out France’s neocolonialism and blatant/on-going exploitation of Africa.
I must admit, I am unashamedly biased here. It is so rare if not never been heard that a relevant European politician call out an ongoing colonial policy of another western/European nation.
Hope it wakes folks up to the larger game at play. Hopefully its not just empty rhetoric to get people to support her without no action/plan (populists tend to this a lot, remember Trump?)
"Disgusting is France that continues to exploit Africa by printing money to 14 African countries, charging them mint fees, and by children labor in the mines and by extracting raw material, as is happening in Niger.
Where Frances extracts 30 percent of the uranium it needs to run its nuclear reactors, while 90 percent of Niger's population lives without electricity.
Do not come to teach us lessons, Macron, the Africans are abandoning their continent because of you.
The solution is not to transfer Africans to Europe, but liberate Africa from some Europeans."
Everything she said is very true. Africans are still under slavery, only this time we voluntarily migrate to the master country for us to have some form of a life. Our minds, institutions, currency, resources and political structures remain in colonial chains.
This is apt for me as Nigeria celebrated its 'Independence' day on October 1st. We have never been 'independent', it is all an illusion.
France is still a colonialist. United Kingdom is still one, also Belgium, Germany and most of all the latest on the block, USA.
Not only Africa, but the developing south must be free from neo-colonialism!
Enough of the continuous exploitation of the South and their peoples by the West!
See you tomorrow!
- Ope