Throwing BRICS at the West
Staying true to this weeks’ theme analyzing our collapsing systemic structures, today we attempt to peel the layers underneath the proposed alternative global governance structure by Russia/China and why they receive so much opposition to realizing their plans.
We have to be clear that in order to properly dissect global governance, one has to be aware that while on the one hand there is an overarching global agenda where many of the important countries are in unison (like the UN agenda 2030 and the great reset agenda), on the other there remains a great power competition between them as to who would emerge on top of the pack and this is where the flashpoint lies.
Hence, the immense opposition to the BRICS grouping or the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) coming from the NATO/G7 coalition and MSM minions (in short, the Anglo-American alliance) as it will reduce their influence and power to irrelevance.
This great power struggle is simply what is behind all the Russia, Russia, Russia, Putin is the devil or the new Hitler (take your pick) hysteria and one of the reasons the Ukrainians are being goaded into a protracted war with her. Also explains China as the new and ultimate superpower rival with Taiwan also used as a hot button issue similar to Russia.
All this for the West to checkmate China and attempt to distract her.
But, to what end is this great competition when it ultimately seems like a rat race to the bottom (Nuclear WAR) utilizing a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) strategy?
Great competition at these levels tends not bring about any long term benefit with little reward to the public at large.
Some call this phenomenon 'late stage capitalism' while some in China call it 'early stage Communism' similar to socio-cultural phenomenon observed in the west.
Back to global governing structures where the alternative BRICS coalition is driven into high gear in light of recent geopolitical events as the illiberal western liberalism revs into full totalitarianism.
According to geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar on the end of the so called “rules based international order” or west as some refer to it,
“only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics.” What that implies is that the unipolar world order, followed by states in the collective West which are hardly sovereign, is condemned to fail, as it’s “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization.”
Only a self-confident sovereign who does not expect anything constructive from the collective West can get away with describing it as “racist and neo-colonial”, bearing an ideology that “is becoming increasingly more like totalitarianism.”
Following the recent BRICS summit, what is proposed is a multipolar model that was outlined in detail for the Global South to see in the landmark February 4th joint statement for Cooperation Entering a New Era – complete with the accelerated integration of BRI and the EAEU in tandem with military intelligence harmonization under the SCO (including new full member Iran), cementing the key foundation stones of multipolarism.
Now compare it with the wet dreams of the G7 to hold the Global South hostage with a toxic mix of inflation, structural adjustment policies and uncontrolled dollarized debt.
Fabio Vighi brilliantly outlined how “the purpose of the Ukrainian emergency is to keep the money printer switched on while blaming Putin for worldwide economic downturn. The war serves the opposite aim of what we are told: not to defend Ukraine but to prolong the conflict and nourish inflation in a bid to defuse cataclysmic risk in the debt market, which would spread like wildfire across the whole financial sector.”
This carefully constructed implosion of financial markets, livelihoods and the global economy through the great competition and conflict is exactly what Washington neoconservative/neoliberal circles want – to remove a powerful geopolitical competitor from the world stage.
Many might not remember what happened a year ago at the 2021 G7 summit, where the group of seven nations struck a 'PR pose' to look like they genuinely want to help the Global South. Remember?! This was branded as Build Back Better World (B3W).
Again from another article of Pepe Escobar, “Promising projects” were identified in Senegal and Ghana, there were “visits” to Ecuador, Panama and Colombia. The Crash Test Dummy administration was offering “the full range” of US financial tools: equity stakes, loan guarantees, political insurance, grants, technical expertise on climate, digital technology and gender equality.”
Now the EU/US has escalated their PR optics in G7 2022 via the proposal of a new “infrastructure” project for the Global South, similar to the floundering B3W!
No surprises there. Just more of the same dressed up in new language.
That’s the Western “response” to BRI/BRICS coalition, nothing more than another “debt trap”.
If you were in the shoes of the developing nations in the Global South, who would you prefer to work with? A pretend in-words only 'coalition' where you obey and follow instructions from the hegemon or a partial/semi coalition (who are we kidding, the BRICS/BRI can never be a 50/50 partnership) where infrastructure projects are proposed and you still have a voice without the moralizing of gender politics or equality BS.
The answer lies in their actions..
Despite MSM bellicose reporting in support of the American hegemony, other countries are jumping ship. Iran and Argentina already applied membership to the BRICS!
The plan is to use minerals such as gold, silver, uranium, nickel, copper as currency. Real/tangible commodities, we all know these group of countries have loads of these minerals/resources.
Before we pop the champagne, there is still much work to be done in the face of opposition from you know who.
First of all, who’s economic order? or more poignant, which countries constitutes the international economic order? and on who’s terms?
This is typical of the west as their default is to throw childish tantrums by lobbying threats. But we know how to respond to bullies.
Throwing BRICS at their white house!!
See you tomorrow!
- Ope